Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014

Type fruit pods, elongated

Type fruit pods, elongated, rectangular shaped with angle beringgit, pod length between 5-35 cm, a width of about 2.5 cm, containing 5-20 seeds. Harvesting is done after 80-120 days old plants, namely when the pod was about 21 days from the flowers bloom. Young pods, is the most widely used crops as vegetable materials, can be eaten raw (as a salad), boiled, or mixed with other vegetables as vegetables, tamarind, vegetables ve, ointment, Karedok, pecel, gado-gado. Also can be pan-fried or processed by dioseng. In Bangladesh, young pods are fried and eaten with fish or meat.

One hundred grams of young pods containing vitamin A (340-595 SI), iron (0.2 to 12.0 mg), vitamin C (21-37 mg), as well as other essential vitamins and minerals. For vegetables, the young pods are not only superior in nutrition, taste is also typical.

Winged bean seeds with a diameter 8-10mm round, brown to black. Wisata Pulau Pari Weight ranges from 0.06 to 0.40 grams. Old winged bean seeds are best nutritional composition, although more widely used as seeds rather than for food. Contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals is quite high compared to the young pods, roots, and leaves.

Table seeds proximate composition (% -b of edible portion)

content of winged bean seeds

Winged bean contains proteins and oils / fats which are very similar to soy. In humid tropical environments cultivated soybean difficult. Therefore, more potent winged bean cultivated in Indonesia
b. maintenance

Pare plants do not require treatment to be hard, simply by removing the grass / weeds around the plants and prevents the fruit from pests. Prevention is by using paper wrapping young fruit or dried banana leaves. It is intended u / prevent fruit fly (Dacus Cucurbitaceae sp). Fruit flies that attacked the yellow bernoda2 mjd foul.

Fruit wrapping is not required u / pare eel. However, instead of fruit Hosting Gratis that hung young (encumbered) small wood or coconut husk. The load is attached to the fruit so that the fruit straight ujung2.

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